At Home Far Away
For youth aged 14 to 19 years old!
The program is co-financed by the City of Zagreb, Intercultural welcome programs.
The program starts on the 2nd of November, 2024 and you can apply here!
International Arts Centre invites you to participate in the project At Home Far Away!
What is this all about?
Inclusion, tolerance, equality in society... these are all big words that our society loves to repeat today, but what do they actually mean? We can throw around definitions and act smart, but these are merely shortcuts to topics too vast to reach any real conclusions in a quick way.
Well, this project is an opportunity for you to learn more about these topics in a fun and engaging way— but without any shortcuts. In just a few workshops, you'll get to meet people from different cultures and hear their stories! You'll have the chance to ask questions that interest you in a safe environment that provides answers rather than negative comments from fake profiles. You’ll listen to music you’ve never heard before but is very popular somewhere, and watch films that aren’t shown in Cinestar but are someone’s absolute favorites.
And most importantly, you’ll meet people who may become your friends and get a glimpse of what it’s like to be far away at home.
Additional benefits (besides new friends and understanding socially essential topics):
At the end of the project, you'll have the chance to create a play that will be performed in front of an audience.
You'll receive a short, free workshop in drama.
At the end of the project, you’ll receive a certificate of participation
Sign up as soon as possible because if you wait, you'll lose your spot.

All about the program: The program "At Home Far Away" is designed for high school-aged participants from 14 to 19 years old, who are granted international protection and are under temporary protection, as well as young citizens from Zagreb. The goal of the project is to encourage intercultural exchange and dialogue to increase understanding, tolerance, and cohesion between Croatian society and young people who have been granted international protection or are under temporary protection. We will exchange experiences, get to know each other’s cultural heritage and learn about democracy and the importance of inclusiveness in democratic societies, develop an understanding of diversity and cultural differences, and together create a multicultural performance. The program has two parts: The first part will take place over four workshops (one workshop per month). During the workshops, participants will have the opportunity to get to know each other and gain a better understanding of the differences and similarities in the cultures they come from. Young participants will present their culture through art forms relevant to them, popular music they follow, as well as literature, theater, and film. Discussions in a relaxed and friendly environment will serve as an introduction to topics such as inclusion, tolerance, and acceptance of diversity in society. In these introductory workshops, participants will share their own experiences of displacement, migration, vulnerability, adjusting to a new environment, emotional challenges, and the difficulties they are facing in their current situation. The second part of the program will take place during the second part of the winter school holidays (24th of February - 1st of March 2025). Participants will spend six days together, five hours each day, continuing to work on the aforementioned topics. In this part of the program, participants will be encouraged to think creatively and produce their own creative outputs on the themes of inclusion, migration, tolerance, and equality in society. Using various drama techniques and creative writing methods, participants will develop, create, and ultimately perform a short play for their peers.
project team
The project team consists of: Tatiana Levceva i Svetoslava Stoyanova from U Thrive Europe and Romana Petrušić and Andreana Baeva-Motušić from inart.

The program is co-financed by the City of Zagreb, Intercultural welcome programs.