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I Share my Knowledge and Have and Active iMPACT on my Community 

Co-Funded by the European Union
iMPACT EU project for moms and women and environmental awareness

For news and events and detailed information about the project, please visit the project's official website.

For our third Erasmus+ project - I Share my Knowledge and Have an Active iMPACT on my Community - we have partnered up with our long-term partners U Thrive Europe from Belgium. 


This is our first Erasmus+ project for adults created for women aged 29-65. Specifically, iMPACT gave an opportunity to 10 mothers to build a healthier and more sustainable relationship with the environment and to become a factor of change by encouraging others (especially the members of their family) to engage in more environmentally-friendly behaviors. 


The participants spent seven days at the summer retreat in Šibenik, Croatia, where they, with the help of professional mentors, learnt about environmental protection and sustainable development and had an opportunity to improve their leadership and advocacy skills. During the retreat the participants were encouraged to analyze the behavior of their families and to come up with creative solutions for adopting more environmentally-friendly practices.  


After the summer retreat, the participants created Guidelines for Understanding Environmental Protection and Economic Sustainability in order to share what has been learned with fellow mothers and other young people. 


Erasmus+ programme
International Arts Centre, Zagreb
U Thrive Europe, Brussels
iMPACT Project Erasmus+

project activities

iMPACT project consists of four activities: 1. Training for trainers 2. Moms for the environment 3. Multiplier events 4. Transnational project team meeting

You can read more about each activity below!

Training for trainers

Expertise exchange on environmental protection, sustainable development and community activism

iMPACT summer retreat

Moms for the environment - a seven day summer retreat for women

Transnational project team meetings

Project team meeting in Zagreb and Brussels

project team

The project team consists of: Tatiana Levceva i Svetoslava Stoyanova from U Thrive Europe and Romana Petrušić and Andreana Baeva-Motušić from inart.

projekt je financiran uz potporu Europske komisije

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. 


This post reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained herein.

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