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Inclusion through Activism, Communication and Tolerance 

Co-Funded by the European Union under Erasmus+ programme
iACT project co-founded by the European Union for youth activism

The results of the project: a digital course on social inclusion and equality in democratic societies, an introduction to the digital course on the YouTube channel and the curriculum of the interactive educational program, can be found here! :)

The International Arts Centre from Zagreb in partnership with U Thrive Europe from Brussels implemented their first joint Erasmus+ project called - Inclusion through activism, communication and tolerance (iACT) - in the period from November 2021. to November 2023. in Zagreb and Brussels.


The project meant to: firstly, increase the capacities of our two partner institutions for work with diverse groups of young people and young people with less opportunities through international cooperation and synergy in the development of new activities and secondly, to empower young people (18-25 years old) from different backgrounds to actively participate in society on local, national and European level by enabling them to understand and embrace their identities and diversity in all its forms. 


Thirty young participants (15 from Croatia and 15 from Belgium) coming from various backgrounds joined the project. Participants were interested in exploring the issues surrounding inclusion, activism, communication and tolerance and were looking for new answers and solutions. At the end of the project the participants created a new, online course for their peers. Our goal during iACT project was to provide creative activities, stimulating discussions, an outlet for artistic expression, new friendships, some travel and lots of fun. 


All activities, including the training and exchange of expertise for trainers and interactive workshops for young people, were free of charge for participants.

Erasmus+ programme
International Arts Centre, Zagreb
U Thrive Europe, Brussels
iACT Inclusion through Activism, Communication and Tolerance project

project activities

iACT project consisted of five activities: 1. Training for trainers 2. Interactive educational program 3. Short digital course 4. Multiplier events 5. Transnational project team meetings.


Exchange of expertise on innovative media for youth engagement and empowerment

Multiplier events

Dissemination of project results

Interactive educational programme

For young people on inclusion, non- discrimination and democratic participation

Transnational project team meetings

Project team meeting in Zagreb and Brussels

Digital course

Production of short digital course on social inclusion and equity in democratic societies


project team

The project team consisted of four trainers: Aida Pana and Tatiana Levceva coming from U Thrive Europe and Romana Petrušić and Andreana Baeva-Motušić coming from inart. Additionally, the team had two youth mentors, Mislav Petrušić and Ema Kotarski coming from inart.

EU financed project

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. 


This post reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained herein.


Gajeva 25 - office

Gajeva 10 (StudioChekhov) - classes

Preradovićeva 29 - classes

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