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Training for trainers, as part of activity in iContribute project

Training-for-trainers and exchange of expertise on environmental protection, sustainable tourism and youth activism

Co-Funded by the European Union

Training for trainers took place online, in eight sessions, and each presentation was given by a different exprert in their respective fields of expertise. 


The first training in the series was given by professor Lucija Marovt from Slovenia. The training took place online, on Zoom platform on June 30th 2022. In the two hour lecture titled Theoretical and Empirical Approaches to Environmental Protection in the Area of Tourism and Travel professor Marovt gave us a wide and very informative insight about sustainability and circularity, explained why it is so important and stressed the need for changes in the society. 


In the second training, on July 1st, 2022 dr. Andreana Baeva-Motušić focused on the methods for interviewing people and reaching audiences that we need on our project, during the week of Summer camp in Šibenik. 


The third training was conducted by Tatiana Levceva on July 6th, 2022. Tatiana talked about the importance of clear communication, obtaining truthful information and how to express your opinion in a safe way. She also talked about debating methods and persuasion techniques. 


The fourth training session was led by Mislav Petrušić on the 15th of July, 2022 entitled 'Imagining the role of the tourist in a better form of tourism'. This session focused on understanding the historical patterns of tourism development and placed a focus on understanding the various roles which individuals as tourists have played in the larger tourism industry. It concluded by asking what sort of future tourism needs to have and how should the tourist behave in order to achieve this.


The following, fifth training session was held by Romana Petrušić on the 19th of July, 2022. Romana's session, entitled 'Art and theatre for social change'. This session explored the role of arts as a medium for social change with a focus on existing methodologis for employing theatre for participative democractic discussions, debates and social actions. 


Lucija Marovt returned to hold the sixth training session on the 21st of July, 2022, during which Lucija provided an interactive session based on discussion and Q&A. At this point, the project team had many questios regarding tourism and the environment and Lucija was well equipped to answer these questions in depth.


Finally, for the seventh training session Roxanne Toumia held a training session on the 25th of July, 2022. Roxanne's session, entitled 'The impact of tourism practices on the environment' discussed specifically approaches to understanding tourism environmental impact as well as approaches to reducing such impacts.

project was co-financed by European union

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. 


This post reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained herein.


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