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Jelenovac Theatrical Project

European Social Fund
Kazališni projekt Jelenovac sufinanciran iz Europskog socijalnog fonda

The Creative Workshop project "Jelenovac Theatrical Project" was created as an initiative of a small group of visual, literary and drama artists, with the aim of establishing a friendly and creative space where citizens over the age of 54 will have the opportunity to acquire new skills through casual socializing, to develop their creative potential and to improving their quality of life.


In the form of fine, literary and dramatic art workshops, citizens were offered quality cultural and artistic content in which they actively participated, and the theater performance 'Tram or bus 54+' was produced with the cooperation of all three workshops. The project also contributed to increasing awareness of the possibilities of people over the age of 54 and increasing their visibility in society. All workshops and activities took place in the area of ​​the city of Zagreb.


More than 140 participants, seven artists and numerous external collaborators participated in the Creative Workshops "Jelenovac Theatrical Project" during the 18 months of implementation, and in more than 850 hours of work, 90 art workshops were held, two exhibitions of art works, a collection of works of literary workshop participants was published and the production of the play "Tram or bus 54+" directed by Goran Grgić with 22 actors-participants.


At the final evening of the project, held on November 21, 2019, in the Trešnjevka Cultural Center, the Collection of Works was presented and a play was performed, for the scenography of which the works of the participants of the art workshop were used.


Most of the participants came to the workshops because of the desire to socialize and learn a new skill, something they may have wanted to try in their lives, but never had the opportunity. Working on the play, togetherness and creative association opened up new horizons for them and filled them with new experiences that seemed unattainable to many until then. With this project, we showed the importance of maintaining similar activities and their necessity in maintaining a healthy and advanced society that includes and values ​​all its members, regardless of age and economic status.


The project was co-financed by the European Union from the European Social Fund as part of the Effective Human Resources 2014 - 2020 operational program. The total value of the project was HRK 303,299.51, of which the European Union co-financed HRK 274,484.22. The grant agreement was concluded by the Ministry of Culture, the National Foundation for the Development of Civil Society and the International Center for the Arts from Zagreb.


The project lasted from July 23, 2018 to January 23, 2020.

project team

Projekt je sufinancirala Europska unija iz Europskog socijalnog fonda

This project has been funded from the European Social Fund. 

The content of this page is the sole responsibility of Međunarodni Centar za Umjetnost (International Arts Centre).


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Gajeva 10 (StudioChekhov) - classes

Preradovićeva 29 - classes

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